Tuesday, May 25, 2010


In order to get to Infinity, the mind effectively must still - trance, unbrokenly: Emotion ought to linear out into contentment (submission/ex stasis/nirvana/bliss/ananda/contentment) of and with life and necessary experience. This is the only way to trick eternity into being - feeling - simultaneously indefatigable (lengthy) and instantaneous (blown out before you planned on:) Or, the Paradox we're all looking at, to and for.

We're talking about continually recognising the real worth in accepting and working with whatsoever experience hunts you. The only fucking open window there is.

Friday, May 21, 2010

On, like, God, and is there One, and stuff..

If I were an eternal personality, the most likely recourse would be distraction. Insofar as it might be possible, I would set about interspersing the vast continuity of my Self with other, playfully concocted and transient selves. In this way it would be possible to stave off the abject boredom the One may suffer inside endless, unperturbed Mind.

Put another way, would there be a difference between your current conception of the world and that of an infinite personality, disguising itself from itself? Ditch for a cosmic instant your indefatigable memory and become a goat, a dandelion, an oil slick - learn to marvel, cut off from your own certain immortality, inside the sheer inconsequence of it all. After all, how much housework are you going to get done if you're constantly reMinded how everywhere you very probably are..!

Every culture on Earth has persistently held the view that there is some kind of Mind somewhere that knows more than you do. (The religion of Psychiatry calls it the 'unconscious'. The most ill-fitting and naive moniker yet; almost as bad as so-called 'junk' DNA.) At the present time, I go with the majority - something I usually consider kind of despicable!

An excerpt from Monroe's Ultimate Journey. Waiting in line to offer gifts of Experience to the Source, he meets a gargantuan angel at the edge of TimeSpace, and is relayed the following:

There is no beginning, there is no end,
There is only change.
There is no teacher, there is no student,
There is only remembering.
There is no good, there is no evil,
There is only expression.
There is no union, there is no sharing,
There is only one.
There is no joy, there is no sadness,
There is only love.
There is no greater, there is no lesser,
There is only balance.
There is no stasis, there is no entropy,
There is only motion.
There is no wakefulness, there is no sleep,
There is only being.
There is no limit, there is no chance,
There is only a plan.
This is as we know it to be.

I would've capitalised the big nouns myself, but there we have it. Even the angels need some self-improvement.
