Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Primacy of Mind

Where does the picture on your TV originate? Are there people living in the box making it shine? No, the box picks up a signal from an external source. Likewise, the brain could be a kind of antenna which reduces The Field into bite-sized human perception. If Mind were to originate separately in each individual, any kind of consensus on reality would be just astronomically coincidental: We'd more likely find ourselves living our own private dreamlets. In our isolation, it would be impossible to share our minds with each other; something clearly refuted every time you open a book, listen to a tune, have a conversation. Actually, your mind is a synthesis of those thoughts that have particularly tickled you. (My approach to tooth-brushing, for example, comes straight out of J's mind, which doubtless came out of some other mind, through another mind, ad nauseum.) Tooth-brushing, musical taste, language: All of these things are, at most, extrapolations from the human concert: Far from containing a mind, it appears I have no personal mind at all.

There are too many phenomena lurking inside this magnificent, suffering someThing surrounding us which brain-fabricated thought cannot explain. The psychedelic experience, for myself at any rate, is fairly conclusive evidence that, at least in the case of the monkey, the box is obviously too small to contain it all. J and I had a chat on the weekend and we were talking about shared mind: Everyday, my woman, Amp, finishes thoughts being beamed into my transducer; I'm sure anyone who has lived in someone else's pocket for any significant period will attest to this. How can this be explained save for the existence of some kind of Field into which we are all plugged.? Indeed, it's quite impossible to 'contain' one's mind - it's constantly spilling over into other minds: Look at mine pissing away all over the shop right now, for example, leaving dastardly images of the infinite in minds trickling throughout the Loop. I put it to you that you couldn't, for even five minutes, prevent your mind from driving the material world in some fashion.

Our culture's obsessive pecuniary interests require that we believe steadfastly in matter as the ground of being because it is engaged in chewing through every last granule on this planet in order to produce endless reams of material crassness that can then be hawked for profit. If we were to suddenly realise that we are all connected in and by the Big Mind it would be jolly tricky to keep up the pretense that, in raping the Big Mother, we are not raping ourselves.

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